Evidently, a comparison between traditional commerce and ecommerce tells us that the latter is the advanced variant of the traditional business. We all know, ecommerce is implementing buying and selling of goods online while traditional commerce refers to the presence of a physical store for trading goods. Both types of businesses enjoy its own merits as well as demerits. Today, where ecommerce is a synonym with comfort and convenience in shopping, the distinction between the traditional and ecommerce becomes very profound. The convenience of shopping on the go or from the comfort of your living room at the touch of a button makes ecommerce carve out a niche as opposed to traditional way of doing business from a brick and mortar shop.
Let’s breakdown a few key points that shows the distinction between ecommerce and traditional commerce.
- It is quite easy to explore new global markets when you have an online store compared to traditional business. All you need to do is localise your ecommerce to adapt to the needs of a country you wish to supply your merchandise. In traditional business the procedure for taking business beyond the borders of a country is long winding and time consuming.
- As opposed to traditional business scenario, ecommerce provides great savings on time. For instance, you visit a physical store down the street, only to find a crowded, hectic shopping experience with helping yourself waiting at the queue for paying money and so on. On the contrary when you are shopping online, it’s 100% hassle-free as you are neither been surrounded by other customers nor been made to wait on any queue for making payments. All you need is a good, fast network connection and you are done!
- As against traditional stores, the entire process is automated on shopping online. Odds are that there may be clerical errors during shopping at physical stores as it is handled manually by the office staffs. Ecommerce is more secure under instances where the buyers are skeptical about the chances of human error in transactions.
- In traditional business, it is always possible to inspect the goods physically while it is practically impossible during shopping online. To enhance the user experience and to help buyers arrive at the best choice, images, video content and text descriptions about the products are always incorporated in online shopping websites.
The above points highlight how ecommerce is different from traditional commerce. With AI-powered technology, today e-commerce closes the wide gap in user experience. A humanised factor is embedded into every level of customers’ shopping online journey that they literally forget they are not buying from a physical store.
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